SCHMIDT® ServoPress

Forces from 1 kN to 250 kN


An economic and high quality assembly is the key to the success of your product. The aim is to join together precise assemblies from low-cost individual components with different tolerances. Electrically driven spindle presses, servo presses, are ideal for such tasks. SCHMIDT® ServoPress systems offer an integrated solution of SCHMIDT® PressControl 700 or PressControl 7000 control unit and SCHMIDT® ServoPress modules. They meet the most complex requirements, as stand- alone machines or in automatic production lines.


SCHMIDT® ServoPress work with a real force controller (force as a controlled variable) and thus enable:

  • Quick achievement of the setpoints
  • No exceeding of the target values
  • Precise positioning in the 1/100 mm range, even with strongly fluctuating press-in forces
  • Highly accurate, continuous force control
  • optimal adaptation to your application
  • the system works with preset optimal acceleration values ​​(no incorrect entries possible)


Highest precision through dynamic deflection compensation

In order to enable joining in the 1/100 mm range, the system elasticity must be compensated. During the production of press connections, the workpiece, tool and machine are elastically deformed by the forces acting on them. After the system has been relieved of pressure, this part of the deformation rebounds. This means that the workpiece is “longer” than in the block position when the pressing force is applied. In the case of strongly fluctuating press forces, it is therefore impossible to produce high-precision joints even if the block position is reproduced exactly. This elasticity can therefore be taken into account in a ServoPress, so that the system dynamically and reliably compensates for all minor movements and deformations that occur.


Machine self-protection

  • Fully automatic spindle lubrication

Technical Data

ServoPress type 605 616 617 620 650 655 660 680
Force F max. S3 25%, 20 sec kN 1.0 5 14 35 75 110 160 160
Force F 100% ED kN 0.5 3 7.5 20 50 80 110 110
Slide stroke mm 150 200 300 400 500 500 350 350
Speed ​​max. mm / s 0 - 300 0 - 200 0 - 200 0 - 200 0 - 200 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 50
Position control resolution µm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Resolution measurement data acquisition - force N / inc 0.3 1.5 3.75 10 24 32 48 75
Resolution measurement data acquisition - distance μm / inc 2.2 3.2 4,6 6.1 7.6 7.6 5.4 5.4
Projection mm 130 130 150 160 160 160 160 160
Dimensions press module H / W / T mm 636/89 / 155 599/124/258 892/144/318 1077/190/384 1250/243/561 1250/243/561 1249/249/552 1249/249/552
Weight press module kg 11.6 25 64 113 225 225 283 283
max. Tool weight kg ≤ 5 ≤ 15 ≤ 25 ≤ 50 ≤ 100 ≤ 100 ≤ 100 ≤ 100
Ram bore mm 6H7 10H7 20H7 20H7 20H7 20H7 20H7 20H7
Dimensions of the ram mm Ø 25 Ø 40 □ 42 □ 55 □ 65 □ 65 Ø 90 Ø 90
Overall dimensions with stand 605 616 617 620 650 655 660 680
Projection C mm 130 130 150 160 160 160 160 160
Table hole D mm ø 20H7 ø 20H7 ø 40H7 ø 40H7 ø 40H7 ø 40H7 ø 40H7 ø 40H7
Working height (ServoPress 680 portal version) F mm 246 300 387 518 612 507 500 500
Table height K mm 93 113 128 155 190 220 220 178
Table size W x D mm 160 x 140 220 x 175 250 x 200 300 x 220 370 x 230 370 x 230 370 x 230 370 x 230
Deep stand (ServoPress 680 portal version) SL 6 mm 365 405 460 563 636 725 761 614
Height of stand (ServoPress 680 portal version) SH 1 mm 510 630 780 1080 1050 1050 1097 942
Total height SH 2 mm 1016 1062 1467 1810 2012 2112 2036 2062
Weight approx. kg 45 101 166 334 553 757 805 867


Cable connection
Jmm ± 0,16088120160210210130/210130/210
Kmm ± 0,16063115120130130130130
Lmm ± 0,14059.475--- - -
Mø mm45h645h665h690h6100h6100h6120h6120h6
AAø mm5,56,38,410,312,112,1--
BBø mmM5M6M8M12M14M14M14M14
ram dimensionPmmø 25ø 4042 x 4255 x 5565 x 6565 x 65ø 90ø 90
ram boreQø mm6H710H720H720H720H720H720H720H7
top working positionUmm40506060606067114
top ram positionVmm19,527,838,144,6555567114
dowel holeWmm±0,02 - - -22324040404040
threaded holeXmm22324040404040
Y - - -M5M6M8M8M8M8M8
Zø mm - - -5H75H78H78H78H78H78H7