History SCHMIDT Technology

In 1938, the brothers Hermann and Wilhelm Schmidt founded the company to supply high-precision parts to the clock industry, the typical Black Forest industry at that time.

Hans Schmidt joined the company in 1952 which gave the small company the impetus it required to transform itself into a full-scale industrial enterprise and to undertake the decisive move away from the clock industry to the manufacture of writing instruments, a fact that should later reveal as visionary.

The new orientation initiated within the company not only assured its survival during the structural changes of the seventies, but also created indirectly the new company division Machines. The production of writing systems with their tiny tolerances demanded highly accurate machinery and equipment. As those were not available on the market in the type and quality required, SCHMIDT Technology started to develop and to build them itself.

In 1969 Rolf Schmidt, the son of Hans Schmidt, joined the company. First, he became Managing Director of Technology and then Speaker of the Managing Board up to his retirement at the end of the year 2018.
Just to mention the most important events during that time: The new company building on a green field site, meanwhile 8 extensions and additions, the foundings of SCHMIDT Galvanotechnik and STS Schreibgerätetechnik Schwarzwald, and subsidiaries for the sale of SCHMIDT® machines in USA, England, Switzerland, and France.

The Sensor Division was created in 1983 to produce a piezoelectric acceleration sensor for use as the triggering element in the belt-tightening mechanism in cars. That was a product which could only be manufactured by specialists guaranteeing highest precision in large quantities over long periods of time. Electronics and microsystems technology have long since taken their place in that field which led to new highly complex sensor systems.

Both sons of Rolf Schmidt, Oliver and Stephan Schmidt, joined the company in the years 2002 and 2004 and they have been Managing Directors since 2010. Oliver Schmidt for the Technical Area and Stephan Schmidt for the Commercial Area.